Win ME vs Win XP

lol, are you on crack…

Win 98SE > ME

Win 95 > ME

WIN 3.1 > ME
WIN whatever was before that… > ME

OS/2 >ME

whoever says that ME was anything but shit, never turned on their PC before

punchcards > ME

Microsoft Bob > ME


Slide rule > Win ME
Abacus > Win ME

only thing ME was good for was draining memory and destroing computers.

My ME machine back in the day would take 5 days for the clock to go from 1pm to 2pm

lol @ “Abacus > Win ME” :lol:

but yeah… ME sucks donkey nuts. I would never in a million years suggest that anyone use it

sundial > Win ME
Cave painting > Win ME

Sorry thats all i got. > Win ME

I’ll take the roast duck, with the mango salsa.

That and helping me make money as I fixed them every other week…

Windows ME was the biggest pile of dog shit. I stayed with 98/2000 while fools went to ME.


counting on my fingers > ME

i tried

turbo lexus > ME



hahah real funny asshole. im gonna have sheng fuck shit up on magnum now.


Fuck ME.

sharp stick in the eye > ME

My fiance’s computer at Beerdonia came from Gateway with ME. It was slow as balls, crashed constantly, and she wouldn’t let me upgrade it to XP. Hell, the one time I took some time to rip out half the spyware that was running in the background she got pissed!