Wind Turbines Yes or no?

Well, theres been huge debates out here in the Western New York sticks about Wind Turbine Farms. Now they did put a set up of wethersfield wind turbine that were doing quite well (theyre actually not far from my house, fuckin huge and really cool to see, imagine 5 huge pinwheels, 45 stories tall) now theres obvioiusly and opposition to it. First it was "they ruin the view of the horizon… now it goes to “they fall, throw blades, kill bats and birds and dont really generate much power”

now where the ones in wethersfield were put in a PRIMO location, i forgot what it rated on the scale, but it was rated one of the best spots to put the wind mills.

Now theyre looking to expand, and obviously, theyre meeting some opposition
so, i was wondering, would you support wind turbines if they came into your area.

The opposition
The proponents

I don’t like 'em because they weren’t in the bible.

if the power actually stayed in WNY, sure. Unlike Niagra Falls which is sent to NYC.

honestly WTF is wrong with people?

omgz clean cheap energy, but windmills? This isnt holland!

and the birds wont someone think of the birds!

go diawindmill haters


Didn’t they just reallocate it?

Let NYC deal with dirty coal power plants. The city already reeks in the middle of summer anyway.

My bestfriends family lives in east concord and many, many families are fighting this for good reasons.

The windmills really don’t generate much power.

The companies/owners of the wind mills do not upkeep them at all, so over time they do fall apart and are dangerous.

The companies/owners don’t care because they make millions off each windmill. So they just get more money off another new one and forget about the rest.

They ruin the landscape.

They can cause many problems if your house is shadowed by the sunrise or sunset with the blades causing the strobe effect. Problem like people actually going crazy to just a 95% more chance of migraines through out the household from light change. Also lots of this land is usually farmed where this causes livestock to have similiar problems and shorter life.

They are noisy.

The negatives far out weight the positives.

YES!!! 1.) Buffalo needs to do something with all this empty space we have. 2.) Hopefully they will help reduce energy costs. 3.) At least it’s something being done in Buffalo!

who cares

The only ones I have a problem with are the ones they are putting on the waterfront. One more industrial thing on the waterfront that future generations are going to be looking back and saying, “Why the fuck did they put those there. That is prime real estate”.

And if you think the tiny little plant their putting in at Lackawanna is going to do anything for your electric rates you’re crazy. We have one of the biggest power generating facilities in the N.E. in our backyard, the Niagara Hydro Plant, and it doesn’t help us at all. In 30 minutes that hydro probably puts out more than those windmills will all year.

They are nice, Don’t make a big difference in electric bill. Espicallly if we don’t even get the power here. O well I like windmills so I say put them up.


I still think we’re a decade or two away from viable power coming from wind turbines.

because NYC is willing to pay more for that power so it all gets sent downstate…

I have said it before and I will gladly say it again…NYC needs to be disconnected from NYS and made the District of NY with its own tax status and resources.

Wind turbines or windmills are way to damn loud. They rate at 90 dba from 500 meters. Fucking loud.

Can I tie Jam to one? If I can, I’m in.