Anyone know if you can walk around them? I drove over the Skyway the other day and for the first time I have been down there they all were spinning and think it would be pretty cool to go stand under them and check them out.
Ah damn. Thats what I was wondering. I didn’t know if the actual wind things were in a separate area that you can go see without being in the actual power plant.
Is there a access road at least you can drive up to?
Drive out to Wyoming Co. Out there they’re just in the middle of cornfields. You can walk right up to the bottom of them…but you might get shot at by a farmer.
You can see a bunch in random fields flying in to the buffalo airport. Like you said tho, they all seem to be on personal properly. Some farmer might think I am a terrorist or something.
yeah i was there one day and you can jump and sit a top of them. i thought there would be a noise to them and there really wasn’t a sound from these things. it’s better to go really early in the morning as no one would look at you funny for parking your car in front of them taking pictures.