Wind Turbines on Route 5

Take Rt. 20 from East Aurora East (toward wales) until you get to the town of Sheldon . When you see giant wind turbines there will be a street that heads south towards a few turbines and from that street is a dirt road into a field. That dirt road leads right to two of the turbines. Have fun.

My step dad used to work security for them, he took me down there one time and i got stand underneath them, it was pretty i must say. He told me almost every single night he gets cars of people pulling just trying to stroll up to them and he has to kick them out. and i doubt anything has changed so.

Where does the power for these things go? There’s no high voltage lines near by, so I assume everything is under ground. How effient are they and howmuch energy do they produce anyway?

Most of the lines run underground until they reach the substation and then from there it is above ground. The Weathersfield/Bliss windmills all go to Arcade Electric, No idea on who is the recipient of the ones in Sheldon.