
tree fell on the shed ftl. chainsaw after work ftw.

I hear ya, Im in fawn and still no power. Hope its on when I get home from work. Lots of cleanup to look forward too.

Mom’s Lexus survived the wind, unlike last year.

save some of the wood!

will do.

I still don’t have electricity, and neither does my place of employment, although they asked me if I want to come in anyway to help eat the perishable food.

No trees by my house ftw.
On the other hand in the nearest decent sized town shit went haywire trees down in roads lights out powerlines down all that good shit.
Sucks for them, I didn’t even lose power.

when I left the house this morning, I still had no power… went out towards the end of the third quarter last night…

why not donate it…to a food shelter…then you could write it off the bussiness taxes and not take a loss on it,

never went out here at all. computer was still on this morning and no clocks blinking. baldwin/whitehall duquesne light FTW. clairton/jefferson duquesne light sucks. you sneeze and the neighbors electricity goes out.

Good idea, but I doubt they’d accept perishable donations.

cool thread… :puke:

salvation army on 3rd ave does. We take carts of food over after our annual holiday party.

Classes canceled…even though power is on…:hsugh:

i sawed up several large limbs today. having a fire and a beer right now > *

no power at my house still. generator FTMFW! Cant power tv though… need bigger generator.

plently of places do we donate to them all the time

rant spent almost half my day driving around properties deciding if the tenants should clean up the mess or if the owner should pay to have it cleaned… just a pain in the ass, if I have to hear from one more tenant about missing half the game…

power in lv is out across the street from me all the way down to 40th.

got lucky there.

grams lilac tree snapped in half and we had to drive around downed trees at the cemetary yesterday hoping none of them were in the way.

it was a mess driving home from export sunday night. Def glad i put the dog in before we left! lol

glad to see everyones ok!

I hauled 6 - 40 yard dumpsters to the landfill last night filled with debris.

Need a dumpster ? :slight_smile: