
SO, my solid wood umbrella that’s outside on my patio just snapped in half. Pretty intense.

great story there slowshelby

It windy as all hell here too …

Last 3 people I talked to don’t have power. Underground powerlines here FTW!

I love severe weather.

I knew once the game came on fucking dish would go out…go figure. To top it off the neighbors basketball hoop flew into our front yard owning our hedges,

my comcast is still going strong. dish ftl :smiley:

yep, it’s little windy tonight

I was just about to go up to Miracle Mile to see if anyone is out, when the power came back on.

this wind blows

No power in west half of etna or the neighbourhoods between mcknight and thompson run roads in ross.

Wetzel and Wible Run roads in Shaler are closed.

I avoided a large branch crushing me (walking, not driving) by less than three feet.

Fun shit!

My neighbor’s house just blew away like in The Wizard of Oz.

i almost got blown away haha.

I was on wible tonite and it didn’t seem bad. My house has no power at all, blackberry FTW!!

transformer was sparking up the street from me couldnt get the tv in so I just turned on Billy & Tounch and sat on the porch…white trash style

Power went out about 15 times here in Bloomfield… annoying when you are trying to watch the brownies lose

on my way home from robinson pretty much all of the stop lights were out, most of greentree seemed to be without power

as soon as the game starts the power goes out.

bright ass red/blue/and green lights flashing. loud popping sounds too. looks pretty cool but no power ftl

was painting walls in my girls new house which is still empty and a transformer up the road blew up. wooo no flashlights or anything in there. Whole sky lit up.

Yay! Classes canceled!

Nasty shit out my way. Huge branch damaged one of my cars, at least 3 big dents on the roof and roof edge. Guess i will be calling Erie insurance this morning. $500 deductable FTL.

damn I had a tropical storm pass directly overhead and I didnt make a thread whining about it. Cant you sissies handle a little tropical depression?