Windows 8

Anyone else playing with it yet? Just got an e-mail today for the Dev Preview. It’s available to all if you go to the MSDN site. Made a partition and loaded it up, been playing with it a little bit. So far I like it, at its core its pretty much Windows 7, at the surface seems like more GUI change then anything else, although how windows is managing memory is a little different as it seems much more like a smartphone now.

Microsoft seems to be doing what Apple is doing between OS X and iOS, blurring the transition from the smartphone to the PC to feel more natural and more inter-connected.

Lock screen is somewhat like a smartphones, its a picture, shows the time/date and I belive you can add/remove information, you click and slide your mouse up to enter the user screen.

When windows starts you are greeted with a “Start Screen” basicly a full screen gui that covers the desktop, with links/pictures to apps you deligate. Once you get to the desktop everything is much the same, although the start menu is no longer the start menu if you will, clicking the windows icon opens up the Portal to the start screen in which you can select to go back to desktop/settings/apps etc, similar in look/style to that of Windows Phone 7

Sounds more confusing then it is, once you figure it out its pretty easy to use, I find that I like it even when some things may take an extra click or two.

If you have dual monitors, you can deligate which monitor you want to display the Start screen and still have a full desktop on the other.

Windows intergrates with a windows live account

Menus/options/settings are more detialed and easier to find/navigate.

File system now uses a Ribbon bar much like what you see to navigate in office 2007/2010, im not sure how I feel about this yet

Windows seems to manage memory much like a smartphone now, in that when you close an app, it stays suspended in memory, and will close itself out if memory is needed.

Task manager, process manager is completely overworked, process manager gives a shit ton of usefull information, and makes all the old existing information much easier to read/understand

Task manager gives much more CPU information, system information that you’d otherwise need a program liek CPU-Z to view.

Thats all the quick stuff off the top of my head, im going to try and use this as my primary OS for as much and for whatever I can and really check it out, its an early build so their are some bugs.

All the Windows 7 Drivers ive tried work just fine, I installed a lot of programs which all seem to work fine, although firefox has some graphical glitches for some reason when it comes to colors on the menu bars and a problem with the transparency.

If your not into this shit you won’t care, but I know a lot of people on here are and might find it interesting

Good stuff, any word on a release yet?

The only tried and true thing about Microsoft OS is don’t buy it after it is out for a year or two. I might upgrade to 7 next year if I get a new computer…:rofl

I am just glad that Microsoft don’t make planes…:crackup

I just got Win7 :lol

cant be any worse than windows 7. I got a new computer with W7 a few months ago and hate it. XP wasnt perfect but it was a fuckload better than W7.

Win 7 is a great OS. They did a nice job with it. And if you don’t like XP either, you might as well convert to Mac because Win 7, XP are the two best things to come from Microsoft.

WHy don’t you like windows 7 paul? Because I can almost guarantee anything you say is going to be because of your ignorance and your inability to want to figure out anything new


mhmmmm. i love my 7 os. very simple and easy to use… my friend has vista. FUCK THAT

I have Vista on my other computer, and never had a real problem with it. Of course i shut off all the fancy aero bs. I wish I could get Win7 to look more like classic, but otherwise I like it.

Shady: You still work at that pc store? I think the mobo in my other laptop died, and I want to have it repaired.

My girlfriend recently upgraded to 7 and she hates it over vista. I’ve only used both once or twice but I just laughed at her and told her she was stupid.

and I meant it.

Fuck vista.

Vista is fine now, when it was first released and for some time afterwords it sucked major dick, most of that had to do with Microsoft being retarded and not giving hardware companies enough time to properly test and get out drivers to machines that worked, and also their inability to realize how many people/companies etc still rely on old ass programs that did not work with vista.

These days, a fully up to date vista machine is just as stable as Windows 7, any most only bitch because everyone else does or did and they think its the cool thing to do.

As far as her hating it over vista, well you are correct, she’s an idiot, as aside from some graphical changes etc the difference between the two from most end users standpoint and pretty identical

None of her shit is updated. How many girls do you know who’ve updated anything on their computer, ever? Let’s be real man. LOL.

I enjoyed using windows 7 when I used it. I can’t say the same for vista, but I haven’t used it in a long time.

Vista sucks cock

Vista is fine, i don’t recommend people waste money unless they just don’t give a fuck to upgrade to windows 7 and tell them to make sure everything is updated. Theres no need to spend the money on windows 7 until you’re ready to just get a new machine all together.

It still has a few compatibly issues here and there but its still generally with old outdated shit hardware or software that people/companies are to fucking stubborn to spend the money to update

I’ve got a new system right here for you.


I don’t even know.


Shady ^^^

So many Vista haters, so far I actually preferred it over 7. I really miss the classic look. Se7en is a little too flashy.

It just seems like stuff that was more obvious on XP is harder to find on 7 and I cant stand how it keeps changing the size of a website despite setting it atleast 100 times. Im not too great with computers or electronic shit and I just like it simple when it comes to stuff like that.