windows stopped changing the color of links/threads I clicked on

For some reason Windows on my computer stopped changing the colors of links and thread titles that Ive clicked on like it always normally did until last night.

Usually it would turn the blue links/titles to purple and the black ones to gray but now they dont change.

I just downloaded Internet Explorer 9 and its still the same.

Good read, thanks for posting.


so no ideas how to fix it?


Save yourself the hassle and download Google Chrome. So much better then internet explorer.


Love Chrome for most things other than certain school programs, Firefox just runs then better. Other than that, Chrome all the way!

Ive had firefox before but I was trying to fix the issue with IE.

Buy a Mac

Im not buying anything. This computer was new in July

check your internet options (ie cookies, history, etc)

Sounds like you cleared your history/cookies

I didnt clear anything. If I click on a thread it wont mark it read (change the color) even now.

open firefox
Go under edit --> preferences
Click content tab
chooses color options for links

Im not using Firefox. Its not installed on this computer.

I couldnt find that setting for IE

I like Chrome. Just not on my cars.