Windows Vista?

so i happened to get a copy of windows vista but I’m not sure if i want to run it, I’ve gotten mixed reviews about it. anyone have and suggestions?

I wouldn’t just yet.

Wait till a service pack comes out and they fix some of the bugs (like printer drivers).

+1. Give it a bit, there are still plenty of issues with it.

Dual boot…if you like it do a clean install and wipe XP (or whatever you are running now)

thats my plan for the time being…

I am running it and I LOVE it!!! Make sure you have 2GB+ memory though.

I am running it, I like it, a few of my office apps don’t run on it yet like phone software, other than that it is very stable

I’ve got a copy here at work (software developer) and it seems stable. I’m still waiting for service pack 1 before I install it on anything at home though.

Meh why run vista?

All your current software runs fine on XP…your current hardware is fully supported…

You need a lot more hardware for vista to run well

because it looks sooooo cooool

i guess.

Only reason I am running it is I plan on using the media center @ home which is better than XP’s, and I am running it at work to test it for deployment

Werd, Vista Basic fo’ life son…

Unless it’s for home, I wouldn’t bother. I get at leas 5 calls a day from engineers who ask if/when/why arent any of our equipment or software supported (Cisco). Vista is still too new to not have any flaws, fixes, patches etc etc, that could possibly promote major security breaches. Not only that, but any “fix” vista makes may cause a domino effect to rewrite a thousand other drivers/software for compatibility. Looks cool, but I’d wait a while for it.

Lack of support for so many apps in addition to the fact that DX9 and lower titles run slower on it. There aren’t any DX10 games as of yet so I would wait til SP1 like everyone else is doing.

[quote=chino;481743]because it looks sooooo cooool



Its for desktop ricers…

SP1 rule of thumb.

werd =, desktop ricer fo life, V/basic came with my new computer that i bought a few weeks ago. I would have stuck with my bootleg xp but all i do is homework and porn so fug it. I dont need no stink’n suport

Then 95% of everyone here will be a ricer by year end:redface:


I think your wrong…but what do I know…

Yeah theres no way I’m gonna put Vista back on my machine. Maybe after SP1, but everything works fine the way it is, and I don’t game anymore so anything that uses more space, ram, and processing power is not something I want at the moment.