hey angelica, just so you know, next time you want to fix a typo, you can just hit the edit button on the bottom right of the post! This way you don’t have to double post to fix typos :R
Oh shoot! i didnt even notice that lol thanks
yeah i had some fun today in my school parking lot there was like 3-4 of us just sliding around lol then i saw some guy stuck in snow and went to pull his ass out
Monday was my first time ever driving on slippery roads…
took a left turn too fast at an intersection (30km/h) and started sliding… (in a FWD Corolla)
Scared me… cuz there were cars around n shit… but I managed to sorta countersteer out of it… it was fun…
Cannot wait to try some crazy shit on the backroads near my home… :R
just dont get to close to the ditches haha
yeah FWD sucks, if you lose traction with your front wheels you can’t steer, giver gas, main braking, anything really. RWD all the way
^^ You can ebrake!
But I agree, RWD > FWD
pfft… AWD/4WD > RWD > FWD
makes me wonder if I should have gotten STi over the 350Z… NAHHHHH STi interior = the fugly
you’re only partially correct david…STi = fulgy.
I haven’t driven AWD/4WD yet, so I can’t comment on whether or not it’s actually better. But hands down RWD > FWD.
gggaahhh!! if ur trying to gain control…ebrake is the last thing u wanna pull on lol
haha blade very know well not to get close to any ditches since he UNDERSTEERED into one haha i’ll post a pic of him in the ditch later.
lol nice
The STi gets sideways just as easily as a 350z. If you stomp on it in a turn, the back slides out, it happened to me on a test drive =).
Regarding the ebrake, I’ve been driving for quite a while now and I would rather swing the rear end out then plow forwards in a FWD car having no control.
RWD>FWD because it’s predictable and correctable.
Jason, STi imo doesn’t look that bad. the style says “what? wanna **** with me? i got 300hp AWD BITCH” kinda look.
S15_2nv - STi’s probably just slide as much as 350z, but probably more predictable swing out since all 4 wheels are propelling rather than RWD where it just comes out like “WTF GOTTA COUNTERSTEER FAST!!!”
i’ve driven around parking lots in subaru legacy AWD that’s some major fun, and it was bone stock i can’t wait till winter gona go parking lot pimping in the max…
counter steer + gas
ahhhh some satisfaction
so i went out to my car yesterday before work to clean the snow off and what not so as i went to kick all the crap slush build up off the wheel well/mud flaps the damn mud flap peice fell off.:mad: :eek:
(i get camera happy sometimes and this was one of those times)
I think both cars were fairly equally predictable, but in theory if you were to lose control, the sti should be able to recover better.
I do agree that the 350z’s get sideways easily. The sti I was driving only got sideways because I dropped a gear and ripped it on the onramp, heh.
what an ass. atleast i wasnt tryna drift noob. no abs and slamming on brakes hard in rain = understeer :C
awwww lol dun worry s’all good