Winter bike riding

Just finished making a snow track in my yard for my bike haha. Couldnt resist riding because the weather was so nice today. Heres a few pics.

When I first opened this thread I was thinking bicycle kind of bike. Ive seen fucktards riding those kind in snow storms in Schenectady.

my gf snapped some shots of me on my bike in the yard the other day, I’ll have to throw those up too, haha

Lol no i wouldnt want to pedal my ass through the snow. I studded up my tires too i didnt think they had enough tread but theyre holding air so it worked. :smiley:

Hey! I ride my bike in the winter, I got studded tires and all for it. Usually I take it out on frozen lakes and such though its not my hobo car.

I just cant see riding my bike in snow and shit. Too cold and by the time Ive got enough warm clothes on I can hardly move.
I need to ride it more this spring and summer though.

you stay surprisingly warm with minimal clothing actually, your body generates a lot of heat pushing through the snow and such.

But yeah dont wanna hijack the thread.

How’d you make the track? Just ride a loop a lot or did you actually take time and build it?

At first i just rode through the snow…then i studded my tires and got the snowblower out and actualy made a track. Built up some nice berms. I almost thought about getting a hose out and making it all ice haha.

Do it!

ice is better than snow,

Yeah i might im too lazy to get dressed to go out and ride when its 10 degrees out though.