Winter riding?

I just got my ‘motorcycle’ back together and on the road. I plan on riding it to school (<.5 mile) and maybe a little further. It’s only a 175cc 2 stroke so I’m not going too far with it.

I’m trying decide if I should get winter/studded tires for it, and if so, what brand/model. It has decent dual sport knobbies on it now (probably fairly old though) but I really don’t want to dump it on slick pavement.

I’ve only bought motorcycle tires once and they were race take offs for my 636.

Put it away for the winter and take your car.

Or stud the hell out of the tires and go ripping around on Irondequoit Bay. Sorry, couldn’t resist.

There was a guy on a crotch rocket last weekend near the Galleria mall… and it wasn’t that warm out, lol.

at least if it breaks through the ice this time I can just walk away :snky:

If I take the bike I always get good parking and use a lot less gas…


less than half a mile? Walk you lazy fucker.

Probably not the most intelligent thing but knowing RIT and if your place is really that close you could probably get away with it for a while if we have a winter like last year. You could just take the car on really shity days.

I take mine out if its very sunny with no wind around 35-40* on short rides. T-shirt, vest, Leather Jacket, neck warmer, GTG

Forgot to mention, pants usually just normal one layer, engine keeps my legs warm, but my knees do get cold, wear some long johns, but then you have to wear them all fucking day unless you want to change

I’m sure I get <<10 mpg driving to school.

It’s up hill both ways.

And I’m usually at school for around 18 hours a day, I really don’t feel like walking to class at 7 and then back home well after midnight. Plus that’s 30-40 minutes wasted just walking.

Ahh 18 hours, the shitty old days I don’t miss at all.

def don’t do it, specifically becuase it’s a two-stroke and REALLY needs to be warmed up to operating temp to be ridden without doing damage…firing it up and riding it right away will kill it prematurely. by the time you get it fired up and warm you could’ve walked there, or even have warmed up your car, driven it there, parked it, and walked to your class. Not worth it to ride

30-40 minutes? Well then you’re talking a 2-3 mile walk. Either way you’ll do this once or twice and figure out really fast that it sucks.

I guess it’s about a mile:LINK. When walking/riding a bicycle you can cut through the woods, but that entails a decent sized hill which would be risky in the wet/mud/deep snow. Either way it’s not a straight shot.
But still, there is no way I am going to walk, I have too much going on to waste time doing that.

I’ve ridden every day this week, and it’s kind of cold. I’ll probably find some beat up carharts or snow pants to wear. I’ve also ridden to Park Point a few times which isn’t bad either. It’s fun and once I figure out the tire situation I should be set. It starts right up second kick from cold and runs great. I’m going to pull the plug when I get home to see if it’s running too rich.

SO, does anyone have any input on tires? Compound/tread pattern, etc.

Keep it on the road for nice days, otherwise just use your car.


I saw it today, I’d probably do the same. Mostly for the way better parking, walking from the back of J or G/H kinda sucks.

Do any of the modern MX tires fit it? I’d be tempted to try one of them.

Yea it has 3.518 rear and 319 front.

So I can get a set of these for $70:

or $110 for a set of these:

Ideally I want a set of these but they dont offer a front in my size

Maybe the last one for the rear and one of the other two for the front?

I’d go for the more open tread design, the other 2 look like they’ll pack up with snow and be slippery as hell. I don’t remember how much you could notice the vibration on the dirtbike on pavement from the knobbies, but it could get annoying. Any of them would probably be fine if you’re careful not to get caught in a storm. Or if you do, just catch a ride home and leave the bike in the shop.