Ice riding soon...?

Yeah, I know - a little early to be thinking about standing around on a pond/lake/other- but looking for places that freeze over fairly well, fairly soon, to ride on.

We’ve got two CRF100’s and a new CRF150 for the winter; can’t wait!

Any input/suggestions?

ive been talking to a few people at work that ice ride, but none of them are comfortable with the ice yet. lucking though what we do have for ice is staying hard.

what do you run for tires/studs?

Wagers should be frozen soon right?

I can’t wait till they have that winter fest thing up on lake George.

id say another 2-3 weeks and it’ll be good.

can’t wait! tires are all studded up nice!:number1:number1:number1

They were riding Wagers last weekend!! I guess 8" of ice or so. I know where Ill be this sat/sun!!

What are u a midget!? lol. just kiddin the lil bikes are a fucking blast to rip around on. Ill stuf my the wifes CRF150 and take it out too. My KTM 250SXF is going to get some ghetto cold kutters soon in the old tires so ill be game.

i always see people on burden lake racing in a circle, anybody here go there?

wagers is frozen over 8 in plus was there this weekend

hey let me buy that thing

Yeah I saw the circle plowed/groomed out on Wager’s the other day when I was on the Northway.

Well, I guess I’ll have to get to changing some tires!

We never did much ice riding on the big(ger) bikes; at one point I think we had two of the 125’s studded up, but they were definitely crappy tires/cheap screws/blah/blah/blah…

We really got into the ice riding over the past three/four years once we picked up the 100’s. We pretty much runs ‘clones’ of the Fredette tires- they hook up better than the bike can put out the power. This past summer, my brother’s fiancee picked up a 150 though- so we’ll have to see how well that does. Slightly higher center of gravity, but the motor will probably make up for it.

Some of the guys we ride with have some crazy modded 100’s, more than enough motor for a bike that small on the ice- way too much fun to ride!

Hell yeah. I love my wifes 150R. the suspension is great and it feels like a bmx bike with alot of power!

My friend is a champion flat tracker and has been at it for 20 years. we race around the flat track they have for practice on the 150’s and it is nutts!

if u guys are goin out to Wagers this weekend maybe ill come out and chill for a bit

what are you lookin to pay? pm me.

I have a Cobalt SS that would LOVE to be driven on a frozen lake.

then do it up.

I would as long as the lake is frozen enough and someone drives their car out on the ice first to confirm. :lol

hahaha, but testing ice is half the fun!

I still have to stud the tires on my bike