winter car pics

o noes! the enemy!!1!1

if you would have chosen carbon fiber spray paint I would have been all over this project.

Just spray it one color and move on.:deadhorse:


go dead yourself you drive a forign car which is supporting the enemy and not your own country idk i was bored and cudnt think of a comeback


If you’re bored why don’t you sell your shitbox camaro, learn some spelling, and also realize that more than half of this site drives an import. Since when is Germany one of our enemies? Fucking retard.

you fucking cocksucker stop saying “yous”. It pisses me off to know that stupid fucks like you exist in this world…

The “enemy” was defeated 52 years ago and now brings us great shavers, pencil sharpeners, and coffeepots. You’re not going to stop drinking coffee now are you?


If you’re bored why don’t you sell your shitbox camaro, learn some spelling, and also realize that more than half of this site drives an import. Since when is Germany one of our enemies? Fucking retard.


camaros not a shit box its a solid car and runs good


camaros not a shit box its a solid car and runs good


you must be eating up all this attention

I’m sorry mommy and daddy never loved you enough and you have to seek it this way

it gives me and half the people on here at work and school something to read i think all my threads do


go dead yourself you drive a forign car which is supporting the enemy and not your own country idk i was bored and cudnt think of a comeback


Hey dumbfuck, you bought your piece of shit USED. Guess what, so did I. Though I’d gladly send BMW/Porsche/Audi/VW all the money in the world if they’d do us all a favor and use you as labor you dumb piece of shit. Next time your mother shouldnt drink so much when you’re in the womb. Dead yourself.

yikes that was harsh, i actually think he is pretty funny if he is somehow acting this stupid on purpose


speedped is probably sitting at home laughing at how pissed everyone is getting looks like speedped > a lot of angry nyspeeders

I get amusement out of telling people to dead themselves. shrug



Are you fucking serious?!?!?!?!?!?!

His evo prolly runs >8’s now!


I can’t even justify using picard, because there isn’t a big enough picard in the world to use.


you are just as dumb, when will people actually learn the proper use of the greater than or less than signs… :poke:



speedped is probably sitting at home laughing at how pissed everyone is getting looks like speedped > a lot of angry nyspeeders


ooo trust me me and a few friends are laughing our asses off as we speak another thing we do is my friend has a crip keeper mask which we combine with a helmet hat or bandana and drive around and watch all the people look and laugh, it actually saved me today, we were driving to skool which goes thru part of the ghetto and a big african american guy flew past us and further down te road i wouldnt let him cut over so he finially got around and was pulling up to the side of my car to either yell or throw something and he saw my friend who had the mask on and he just completely stopped backed off and turned soon after he had a look of shock we were laughing our asses off for a good 10 mins


confused. by cougar dude do you mean me? and wtf do i have to do with this if so?


Negative, I meant the guy on another forum that decided running a rack mount mixer, two 5.1 Logitech computer speakers, and a huge fucking power inverter all in the back seat of his cougar piped through the best in portable CD player technology. Then with some awesome interior mods such as to match. All kinds of awesome. :tup:

That said the general anger of this has made my day so much better. :slight_smile:

HAHAHAHAHAHA that guy is the shit. And guys come on do you really think speedped is so smart that he is tricking us to thinking hes a moron for his pleasure. LOL no way hes just an idiot. Sorry man dont know you but shit man WTF.


you are just as dumb, when will people actually learn the proper use of the greater than or less than signs… :poke:


Blah. Big fuckin deal, I hit a button. typing fast>me

And yes, I used it correctly that time.:walter:


No one can be this fucking dumb.
They would forget to breath.

I vote fake poster.

So if he does this shit on purpose to piss everyone off…then thats grounds for ban…is it not. Thats what a troll is.

This kid reminds me of the losers way back in high school. The kid realizes that he has this terrible problem with trying to be cool with people, but it just pisses said people off. So, to make it work for him, he spins it so that he ~wants~ people to ~think~ he does it on purpose so that he can get a feeling that HE is controlling the dislike on purpose.
Everyone, just humor him, ignore him, or as I do and just see if he can top his stupidity from one post to the next.

Also, that picture in the paint suit…you explain the what, when, and why. You do know, no one gives a shit…yet you still post it up with no funny comment, no retaliation, nothing. PROOF you are desperate for someone to listen to you. I think, no attention from mom and or dad comes into play.


So if he does this shit on purpose to piss everyone off…then thats grounds for ban…is it not. Thats what a troll is.

This kid reminds me of the losers way back in high school. The kid realizes that he has this terrible problem with trying to be cool with people, but it just pisses said people off. So, to make it work for him, he spins it so that he ~wants~ people to ~think~ he does it on purpose so that he can get a feeling that HE is controlling the dislike on purpose.
Everyone, just humor him, ignore him, or as I do and just see if he can top his stupidity from one post to the next.

Also, that picture in the paint suit…you explain the what, when, and why. You do know, no one gives a shit…yet you still post it up with no funny comment, no retaliation, nothing. PROOF you are desperate for someone to listen to you. I think, no attention from mom and or dad comes into play.


will you be my friend:(

in the past 5 or 6 years posting on forums ive never needed to use the ignore feature on any of them… i must say tho, this thread is much better without speedped.