Winter Dent Wizard Meet? --Gauging Interest--

I am going to call the dent wizard guys tomorrow and see what day he would prefer. I just want to see how many people would be interested. I would cars inside 2 at a time. You would have to park out front untill they were ready for you. Simular to what we did for the last Dent Wizard meet.

I would like feedback from you guys on…

  1. What day of the week would you prefer.
  2. Time of day that’s best for everyone.
  3. Would people be OK with a small deposit ($10) that you could use 100% toward you repairs. (Last time we had about 8 no-shows (I don’t want to waste the Dent Wizard guys time)
  4. Is our location in Tonawanda something everyone could live with?
  5. Do we like the idea of shifts say we have 5 cars in the am and every 2 hours or so add another 5 cars? That way time frames could work better for all involved.

Let me know what you guys think. Post and discuss options, poll will be added later. I know lots of people in the past have said they would come, we would have a list of 20 people and 8-12 would show up. I’m trying to put this together so if we have a list of 20, 20 actually show up. Maybe in shifts of 9am-11am then another group 11am-1pm and another group 1pm-3pm. Try to make a full day out of it. I plan to make it cash or card too, so that may open the door for more people too.


No interest?

I’ve been to two of these and always appreciate when they get organized but don’t have a need right now. Probably by spring I’ll need some work.

I have a dent in my edge that could use fixing, also my bumper got hit and could use a tightening but I do not think they do that. I would be in depending on the day and time to at least get the small pillar dent fixed.

Posted from tapatalk

What’s it usually run for a dent on a door for example?

If you came to the DW meet Im sure i could take a look at your bumper and see what could be done.

I would be interested if one got setup. I have a couple dents in the new car that could possibly be taken care of.

It is just me being lazy and feeling my time is too valuable. I am sure it just needs to be loosened, reset on the clips and tightened. If it works out I will pay you to quick fix it.

Posted from tapatalk