again, picard. look at the link.
Something tells me storing massive amounts of gas requires a permit of some sort too.
sorry just saw it :banghead:
i can’t find any numbers on gasoline consumption in summer vs winter. I’d be interested to see them though. Not sure what would win out… idling engines, wheel spin in slippery conditions, and slow traffic in winter vs muscle cars, motor homes, boats, etc. :eekdance:
horrible idea… hedge gas and use the profits to pay the difference (if you are correct).
get some education in finance and do it right.
just a site that i found. my not be correct but figured id post it for people to look into. i dont really have the time with all these fucking calls because systems sucks here!
Conventional Gasoline
* It is important to note that the energy content of gasolines varies from season to season. The table below shows that typical summer conventional gasolines contain 1.7% more energy than typical winter conventional gasolines.
Average Energy Content (btu per gallon)
Summer Winter Difference
114,500 112,500 1.7%
* The energy content of conventional gasolines also varies widely from batch to batch and station to station. The table below shows this variation within each season.
Energy Content (btu per gallon)
Minimum Maximum Difference
Summer 113,000 117,000 3.4%
Winter 108,500 114,000 4.8%
this reminds me of its always sunny in philli
This thread contains much fail. Gas prices DO normally rise in the summer. Especially, when refiners switch production over from heating oil to gasoline. They do this because America uses more gasoline during summer driving months.
That being said, I’m really not sure what will happen this summer. I don’t think anyone will have much of an idea until after Obama takes office (for various reasons.)
Buy oil futures at current prices if you think the price is going back up
Yeah, black jesus will solve this global economic crisis.
Woohoo, an extra 500 for individuals, and 1000 for couples will surely get this economy moving. That’s our big middle class tax cut? :lol: :banghead: :mamoru:
One bad idea at a time.