Winter Holiday Party - Official Thread

x23453563426546 town tavern had the worst food

but town tavern is next to fatheads :naughty:

mmmm fathead wings were great!!!

The age limit is 21 & ^,need all age groups -SCHMEIDER

Thats not my problem, I have missed MANY Christmas partys because I was not 21… they never re-arranged the party for me… anyways… if were drinking at the hall, which is a good idea, this is the only thing I think is bad about it… if someone under 21 gets a hold of some alchoal or brings some themselves, leaves the party and wreckes… whos responceable? Is the hall is Pittspeeds name or an indivdual? Just a thought.

schmeider is not the only <21 person who is going. It was’t re-arranged just for him.

:dunno:,but its gotto be eqaul from all broad memebers!(dont u think?)

As much as im an asshole and really dont care about the people under 21… I do feel ya and I guess you really cant leave anyone out. Im just saying the liebality… as a business owner yourself you should know what im talking about… It has to be a concern.

So god forbid… if someone under 21 leaves drunk… wrecks and or gets killed, whos gonna take the heat for it???

:dunno: thats why im not in it!those under 21 better be good for the PPL making this happin

look, a good bit of ppl here are under 21, i wasnt 21 for the party and we had it at mad mex’s. that was a fun place to have it. and it was nice to get to go to that, had a fun time there, won 50 bucks from JJ’s and it went right back to him. Its a lot of fun, and was more of a party atmosphere, then sittin around a shitty bar that over prices everything. Town tavern was fun, but prices sucked and food was shitty. to have everyone there would be great also as to the fact we didnt have a BBQ this year for everyone to be at. I see no problem having it at this hall, with everyone being allowed to go. Or should we just make it town tavern for you since u wanna go there?

Well its Pittsburgh… everyone knows the prices, you bitch, dont go… simple as that. Besides that, im not so much concerned about people being under 21 as much as im concerned whos going to be responceable for them… I mean ovioulsy whoever rented the hall does not see this as a concern… so fuck it… not my problem.

that goes for people OVER 21 too. you’ll all just have to be responsible and watch out for each other so that no one gets hammered and tries to drive home… regardless of age.

Im not saying your wrong, but people leave the bar all the time wasted, if they wreck, or get pulled over… they just get their DUI and move on… if your under 21… they wanna know where the alchoal came from… Im telling you, this is not a good idea, but hey… i might just sit this one out.

21 and over is what it should be. He makes a great point.

ya cause every bar in pittsburgh charges 4.50 for a single rum and coke :rolleyes: i have had 2 friends under 21 get caught drinking and driving, never did they say where they got it from…all u have to say i was at some party in the woods or something stupid, they wont care, they got u for much more than what that person is going to get in trouble for. anybody drinking and driving is retarded under or over 21 and deserves to get caught

get more than one dui its jail time…and shucks u might sit this one out, we wont have the great bitcher there, darn

no he doesnt, there are a lot of under 21ers here, they should be welcome to come

Yes… if you dont go to a hole in the wall… then yes single mixed drinks are around that price usually, unless your within the 2 hour drink special.

If you are so concerned about it not being an issue… why dont you volunteer to put the hall in your name?? I mean there should be no reason not too since its not a problem right?? Id love to see you put your ass on the line for the under 21 people.

Wow… someone else with common sence. The only way it should be all ages if there is no alchoal allowed period.

Sorry Mr. Officer, not in Fayette County