Winter Holiday Party - Official Thread

See, now you have a reason to meet Eurodad.

Ok… well if you want me to beg you to come… you’ll be waiting a long time.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

since most dont know the area, There are two bars within walking distance of the fire hall; Chuck’s and Cole’s Pub. you can get some more drinking in after the party there.

if you dont mind a slight drive for a better crowd, you can go to celebrations or just make your way to the point.


Wish I could come but for legal reasons I cannot attend…unless I chew my leg off…

house arrest?

bellvue ftw

im an idiot. i was thinking the imperial VFD hall instead of the North Fayette hall by the community center.

You guys better man up quick. Otherwise this is gonna be a 12 person party.

nope not there its behind the station in Hankey Farms

hmmm… well i knew that was there but never realized that there were so many halls around here.

One more day to sign up and pay… Do it quick


That’s a good point folks

We need you to pay in advance so we have enough food and have money to pay for the food. We can’t have a bunch of people showing up at the door wanting to pay then.

No credit card, and I don’t think I’ll be able to make it down to FBA’s shop tomorrow.

indeed …

sent our money for 2 this morning

FBA can you spot him $10 for a couple of days?

so we have 17 people so far this is gonna be HUGE. maybe we should just refund all the money back and go to hooters.

ill probly have money in for 2 by the end of today