ill give whitey 10 bux tonight.
Paid for another guest through my PayPal. Some of you know my buddy Mike, who is not an active member here but is always tagging along. Can a mod add 1 to the poll or change my vote to 3?
So we’re at like 20 people?
I’m in shock. I thought there would be a bigger turnout. :dunno:
That would be ok, too. I’m in for whatever.
eurodad send $30 for me,Leslie & chris(slowxtreme)!
sent 20 more for cheeks and first base. since i didn’t see them as paid
4 more paid me i will give money to whitey tomo
black integra
and 2 of my customers that are not on the board
done, mark 3 on the poll
I plan on paying tonight…I just have to check if my friend will be joining me if so I will pay for her and I…sorry I haven’t been on the site for a while.
ima pay jeff tonight. But count me as in prolly get it in tonight if not tomorrow sometime.
I paid for first base and he said he cant make it now. so if someone didnt pay and wants to go hit me up
im going to take chaz’s spot ill give you a 10 spot at the door of the party.
no Chaz = pooooooooop
he said he is working late
anyone know how many people are coming. i need to find out how much food to make…
also me and cheeks are car pooling so if someone needs a DD from North hills area let me know
Whitey I need a count of how many people have paid you
I need to get the food ordered.
hey please add me i will pay at the door and im bring food
seems like 25 to me from the first post in the thread… pretty weak sauce if you ask me! why is no one coming? last christmas part there was about 100 people there! From looking at the list there are 2 people that are under 21…