Folks… We still need entertainment for the party. Someone please step up with some solid ideas. If you leave this up to me it will be all Stevie Nicks and Toby Keith…maybe some BEE GEE’s

Rhiannon rings like a bell thru the night…
wouldn’t you love to love her…

:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue: :blue:

What audio playing cababilities will be available? I don’t have any specific suggestions here, but I am just curious what format you want them to be? CD, Mp3? Cassette?

i have an ipod?

We need everything…
If we can find someone with a decent stereo system we could just make some CD’s and play them… I don’t think anyone will be too picky as long as it is good music and loud enough for everyone to hear.

I have a home theater system. It’s only a thousand watt 5.1 system but I hook my laptop up to it and ipods and everything else can hook up if that would help. I dont know if it would be loud enough though. it’s loud in the house but im not sure about at the party. just let me know what you think! There is also a kid at my school who is a DJ and I might be able to talk him into doing something for cheap!

Talk to your friend and let me know. I need a price… free is always better.

There’s no problem with Fleetwood Mac, just maybe not 5 hours of it…

If we could get some kind of rig w/ iPod capabilities, that would be suuuuuuuuuper. Not sure who can provide what, but any kind of stereo system should be sufficient. After all it is only a hall, we aren’t trying to create a club atmosphere.

Can I pay my $10 at the door?

…Please someone come up with some other music!!!




I would prefer typical club music like the played at Town tavern… If I remember it was dance music… new, country, others… just stuff to make you move.

No way man…

Stevie all the way…

Did you know that Stevie is short for STEPHANIE…

its time to start the pittspeed band

I’ll bring my guitar!

How about a satellite radio? No commercials and you can flip betwen stations to mix it up. :dunno:

Will that be loud enough?

not if ur talking

DUDE !!!

Shut up !!! You’re way too loud…

I vote for 50% emo and 50% techno.

Good thing your vote doesn’t count