Winter Storage

Not sure if this is a good deal or not but i came across this the other day.

If anyone is looking for heated winter storage of their bike, Bucks Motorsports is offering storage for 100 or 150 i think it was for the winter.

Prolly common knowledge for people but buy a stand. Dont leave it on a kick stand all winter. Saw the after effects on a tire a few days ago from someone who hadn’t moved theirs all year.

not bad :tup:

FYI, the old Bell Aerospace building also does indoor heated storage. knew someone who used to store their boat there… place is HUGE

Working here now. $100 for they year
heated floors, security alarm ect…

good call, I did not even think about that.

thanks for the stand comment. I would not have known that.

Ya just something ive picked up. Glad it helped some of you guys.

What is the time frame ?

Can I got there whenever I want and do minor work to the bike?

I am just keeping mine in the living room. MY room mate said he is ok with it. :shrug:

My guess is probably no.

is both stands required or just a rear stand enough for the winter?

Ive heard just a rear to keep it straight up and not rest on its side but I think having both would only help the cause and minimize damage to the tire

Time frame is Oct - April
This gets you 20% off a battery tender.

I’d advertise these things if I could get all the info to do it.
For now I will just give info