Winter Storm Warning, 12/19, 8am to 10pm

You’ve been saying that for 2 years now. Can’t believe you’re still running summer tires on your goat. I was late putting my snows one year and having to start braking for a stop sign 300+ feet out at 25mph was enough to teach me that 245 wide summer tires simply do not work in the snow.

Snowing pretty good over at n.forest/millersport right now. Visibility probably about 1/4 mile. The pond outside my window is about 250’ away, I’ll post if it gets bad enough that I can’t see it anymore.

weee this is great

Any one want to go for a cruise mid day?

lol yeah, it’ more like the car is skating than driving. It’s actually not really THAT bad, just have to be more cautious. Traction control is a big time life saver

I have to run to the bank on lunch. Should be a driftastic time. :slight_smile:

I cant wait see sig

PM me your location and when you leave…I will follow and video :tup:

After my comments about 4wd and snow tires…I know I am going to be the first one off the road.

^ lol

Yeah, but with 4wd and snow tires as long as you stay rubber side down you should be able to drive right back out again. If not give me a call and I’ll come pull you out with a real truck. :wink:

Ya my truck needs new tires so ill try not to kill myself and passangers when leaving work @4 today…

Checking in before the bloodbath:ohnoes:

yeah this should be fun.
warning to all curbs between here and downtown: you goin down

fuck… think I’m leaving soon :\

Go home and order some snow tires.

If I must :smiley:

I am definitely peacing out early.

I love being able to drive to work sideways.

My truck tires are bad its no fun, its a Drift Fail Machine! I counter steer but it would rather spin out :angryhump:

So I walk in at 8:30, start to run my backups, sit down and check my email to see the college is closing at 10am.


ugh…took me like 40 min for a 10 min drive today.

fuck…i better be leaving early today