Winter washing

Calling Ry out in the spring for a race !

brake boost or you’ll be playin catchup

lol @ mailbox jokes.

not gonna argue w/ that, i’m all stock.

m tree, fie hundo
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Why do you type like that?

eh not this year brah

Woot a convertible M3! About as useful as tits on a bull.

i’m deleting my accnt here, i have no interest in racing, just washing. stay real ppl

No prob, but when you make a comment like you’re gonna smoke everyone with your stock M6, don’t expect a warm welcome.

just washing? christ this isn’t a all out detailing site, sorry sir see ya!


stay real homie

be easy ni99a… you offer nothing to any thing

I just tried buffing the salt off my car and RUINED the paint. Seriously, the clearcoat now has more swirls in it than Adobe Photoshop.

Duke_Laduke said it was okay.

sorry man , Nickalerobrah said he does it all the time.

i just use windex and paper towels to get salt off, for some reason my paint looks faded now tho?

when i use a sheep skin mitt i make sure theres lots of debris (mostly nails and sand paper) to make sure it really gets clean