wireless apple questions

I recently bought a 12" 1ghz Power Book G4. It currently doesn’t have a wireless card in it, which card do i need to buy? The airport card, or the airport extreme card? does it matter? and if it doesn’t what are the advantages of the extreme over the normal?

from what i am reading prolly xtreme…i tried a USB wireless card on my fiances and it didnt do jack

My guess is MAC calls 802.11b airport and 802.11g airport extreme.

G4’s use the extreme. the regular airport card is for G3’s. if i’m wrong and a regular airport card will work, i have one from my G3 you could have for cheap.

how cheap…my fiance needs one

for a G3? shoot me a PM with what you want to spend.

You can go with the extreme, but I’m not sure how far into the laptop you have to dig to install it. Probably not a huge issue for you, but they do kinda suck to open up. The laptop may have a PCMCIA slot though, in which case you might want tto just try a card in there. Ugly, but less hassle.

It may need an Airport card. I believe around that configuration is when there some models with the Airport and some with the Extreme. And they are completely different cards.

I believe you can check with Apple.com/support for a definate answer.

My work (UBMicro) sells a USB wireless that works on Apple. We sell it because the Apple Airport (non-Extreme) are hard to find and $$$ on ebay.

it’s super easy to get into it. and install. if anyone buys my airport card (it will be much cheaper than on ebay), i’d be more than happy to throw it in for them.

as for the PCMCIA slot, no ibook has that. only 15" powerbooks and up have that. iBooks only came in 12" and 14".

His is a 12" powerbook though. I knew teh 15/17 PBs had the slot, but I never had a 12. The iBooks are really easy to put a wireless card into, but you can’t just remove the keyboard on the PB, as far as I know. My 15" was a bitch to get into when I had to.

missed that part. but no pcmcia on the 12" PB. i’ll find out today on what the install is like. i thought you could still remove the keyboard on them, but i don’t know. i think it’s just different than the ibook removal.

you put the card into the powerbook g4 by taking out the battery, theres a slot in there, and a wire that plugs into the card for the antenna. from what ive read on apple.com i need a airport extreme card, but i wonder if i can use the regular airport card since dex has one…

i’m working on an answer for that for you. :tup:

Airport and Airport Extreme are 2 differnt cards and are not swappable.

problem stated here: recently bought a 12" 1ghz Power Book G4

wheres the problem? i needed a cheap laptop to toss in my backpack when im at school and to take home on breaks. i have a power house desktop in my room, so have no need for a high end laptop too. the only thing i do on the apple is listen to music, surf the internet, and talk on ichat when im not in my room :gotme:

take it to the apple store and chat w/ a Genius (or call 1-800-apl-care).

12" pb FTW sorry Ryan you’re about as wrong as could be.

thanks dave, i called the #, i need the extreme card for my laptop. after apples student discount its only 40 bucks. heading to the apple store now…

there isn’t one. if you start a thread about apples, some idiot will inevitably come in and point out that they suck and you suck and you spent your money stupidly and you should just throw it out and buy a super l33t hax0r g4m3r rig and just use that or something to that effect. you just ignore them.

Ok… I might be dumb… but if you don’t feel like taking the top off can’t you just use a PCMCIA card that’ll work w/ a mac… I dunno if any will but I’m just throwing it out there.