"Without hesitation, I choose the city" by William Graebner

Jay - M&T Is founded and headquartered downtown. Two 10+ floor buildings, plus a few lease floors in other buildings.

ColdAccord - raised in the suburban mentality? You are spitting out more stereotypes then anyone else in this thread. I grew up in Riverside, the East side, and the West side. I’ll gladly quote You a few street names, spots, and corner stores.
Oh, Im also a Hutch Tech grad. Could of done City Honors but they didnt offer architechture.
I was part of the downtown workforce in two different capacities for ~4 years.
Yet… I bought a house in Amherst.

Facts are facts: Buffalo School districts are FAAAAR behind the Williamsville, Kenmore, Amherst districts… among others.
Crime rate, property values, traffic patterns, public services, hospital facilities, shopping (corporate and local small businesses)… THe EVIL EVIL SUBURBS win.

One day You’ll take a look around and realize that YES! Buffalo is turning around! But it has a rediculously long way to go.

You’ll find ALOT of people on THIS VERY FORUM that grew up in the city limits and moved out once they realized how lost the cause really was.