WNY SCCA Solo Event 5 - 8/2 - ECC North

Since wny-scca.com is down, just a reminder that there is an autocross at ECC North this Sunday. Pre-reg is also down for now so feel free to just show up, though you’re welcome to just show up anyways.

I’ll be there.

Jim you need to check out the new suspension on the sti… it rocks!

Is that an offer for a codrive I hear?

Maybe… I think Rickie is bringing the Si…
Won’t you have snkysnky?

I do, but low on tire and brake pads…and power (at least compared to your car).

Likely story…

what’d you do?

edit: and did you get tires?! lol

on an unrelated note, i’m a retard and got my car ready (and changed my tires at home) last weekend and drove up to ecc and realized it was the wrong weekend.

at least it wasn’t at seneca :spank:


shut up, i was angry.

then i ripped some doughnuts in the lot.

if anyone asks it wasn’t me


I’ll be there – car is still packed from last weekend, so why not. Gotta pick up an exhaust from Dave too.

what time does the event starts and ends?

registration is open 8:30-9:30, first car off at 10:30. We’ll be there until 2-3 or so (depending on how many people show up)

I took some pics, but only of one run group and only posed up the ones that turned out (new camera, was experimenting). If anyone wants bigger, let me know…

Thanks for the pictures… looks like I lost an exhaust hanger.

That was you in the Forester? I gotta say it looked pretty good out there! :lol:

LOL, yeah, uhhh. Not the ideal car for this, but I got talked into it :slight_smile:

This thing heels over more than my sailboat, look how much I missed that cone by! slid right past it.


I had a blast. Rain + Full Lock DCCD = fun :slight_smile: Too bad it had to stop raining…

haha, didn’t know that was you either…I thought the same thing.

Good stuff and yes

snky snky