WNYFbody 4th annual Spring/Summer cookout ** Sunday June 24th

He got to drive it home.

fucking retards. to bad he didn’t crash into a ditch and total there cars.


That sux

Good way to fuck future things up. He’s lucky he didn’t ditch it or hit someone.

Is there video of this

There is. He said he was going to post it up tonight. Much asshattery.

This is why we can’t have nice things. Theres always someone every year that creates hilarity :lol:

this is it, not to mention the several people that were there that work in the law enforcement field. The time and planning that we put into this. doing burnouts is one thing or a little 1st 2nd gear pull.

This in traffic doing doughnuts with multiple cars is BS. This is negative attention we don’t want or need. Wtf would of happened if these retards hit someone.

This was retarded. I was on my way into the park to hang out with friends, I had no idea that this was taking place.

That guy in the fox body got off easy if those were his only tickets

Wow that’s bad if he did this in the street
Looking forward to vids

This. I LOVE the GN and Monte bodys.

The Video should be floating around. I i will let jt76 post it here since he made it.

What’s up with pics at least. Seen a few people take them.

Iirc there was a donut last year in the middle of op road. Just saying


Looks like a good time lol.

fyi the kids that did donuts in the middle of op road were also the ones who did them around ppls cars at 5corners…

I’m ashamed to say I kno them kids… Lol kid that got the tickets name is eddy and the other kid with the comvertiable is Dan, crazy fucking kids…

i fixed it for you. i even myself usually wont do a burnout on the side of the street, even though i did, but i know when to stop and those guys took that wayyyyy to far. theyre lucky they didnt kill themselves let alone anybody else.