heres something usefull stop trying to run nyspeed as ur personal forum. banning people cuz u dont like what they say. hey its a public forum and i dont remember reading in guidlines that it matters what i say in an offtopic thread, if it was anything important it wouldnt be OFF TOPIC… because ur a mod doesnt give u the right to be a dick to people and ban them for ur pleasure. i was kidding in this thread with my comments if u dont like them skip them and keep reading
heres an example of u being a dick
i make a suggestion and NO IT WAS NOT ANSWERED 19 times matter of fact it wasnt answered once. a preview page doesnt help u edit something after its sold and dont want to be bothered anymore about it. it was even agreed on by other mods. in the end youll probably ban me for voicing my opion.
oh ya HAAHHAHA FBODS and they say us imports have drama