helmet :bowrofl:
i have all the other ones, but the helmet is great!
That’s the PA state trooper I want pulling out after me…without getting my plate number, of course.
good find
I would just like to know how the hell they did some of that - - HAHA
no houses or yellow poles!
hahaha My best friend actually did this:
Cost her $950 to replace it for the gas station…she didn’t realize till a mile down the road… :ugh2:
something similar actually happend when i was pumping gas…a woman pulled in with a car & ran into the pump i was using…she was pulling in to use the other side.
i was like WTF???
:ugh: :bash: :madfawk:
i worked at a gas station… people driving away with the pump is common
seen it 2 times when i worked at get go
lol i’ve seen some of those pictures before but never the helmet one, it’s flippin lol