women = crazy!


ShalerPunk…i know you can back this up… :nuts:

HELL… i could be all over this one…

i agree…but thats the good thing about being into cars and stuff like that…they r something that can make u happy again if girls r pissing u off.

and how you can get out of a bad relationship… just start spending all your time/money/efforts on your car and you’ll be out of it right quick. i’ve had my fair share of crazy ones too!!

AGREE 100% women are some crazy creatures! They’re one thing guys will NEVER figure out.


they’re not really crazy. they are more like stupid whiney hormone driven twat waffles.

they are insane, but i do love my gina b

that’s because your girlfriend sucks.

(and before i get banned for that, rest assured that fatty agrees with me.)

hahaha, reading that here at work while it was quiet I snorted like a pig as I tried to hold back an lol.

But I agree. Without vaginas and breasts they’d be useless for the most part.

no ban,girlfreinds are fair game! wife & kids aint!:kiss:


for once we agree!

I’m not :nuts:… :sadwavey:


  1. every girl will go nuts at some point. just how nuts and if she comes back to normal are a case by case basis

  2. every girl is a whore, just takes the right guy/situation to bring it out in her

every girl will not GO nuts…they’re all nuts…the trick is to find a crazy that doesnt bother you too much

oh, and btw, blanyer, she’s an ex-g/f now…lol