Woot I am Certified

The toner that I’m around all day at work is probably worse that asbestos. Hell, the house I’m in right now is so old, we’re pretty sure that the siding on it is asbestos :smiley:

My grandfather smoked for many, many years… he also worked at Beth. Steel until he retired (breathing asbestos everyday he was there).

Guess which one killed him in his mid 60’s?

Asbesteosis of the Lungs. Trust me, It is not something you ever want to see someone suffer from, ever.

Congrats on your certification!

Breathing it everyday is a little different though.

Tens of millions.

I hate working with hazardous things i cant see. Thats why i work with high voltage:bloated:

THAT’S it?

Yeah…the bottom line is to never be worried unless you worked hardcore within a friable (essentially dust) of asbestos materials that were damaged. So limited exposure doesnt guarantee you a clean bill of health by any means…its just the odds are in your favor to never have an issue with it…esp. considering there is levels of asbestos in breathing air.

The thing I found most interesting is that in relationship to cigarette smoking and working in an asbestos dust area…you are 50-90 TIMES more likely to get an asbestos related diesease…crazy.