ooooooo big guy calling me out aren’t ya? Well hell i’ll run ya and waste ur gas and time,come over to my house and we will go from there. Are u a big man now that u have a ncie running for the menatime car? Appearently so. I give u props for ur work n time man but i don’tgive u shit for being an asshole about it be u even have ran it,cheeks actully runs his all the time,u havent yet. So chill the fuck out and wait till spring casue he aint doin shit ti ll hten. I never threw my mototrs in like a pile of shit,i cleaned em up nice,took my time and got them good to go,PCM went. I ahd to get them in as quik as possibly due to i had no other mod of transportation,so suck my dick…
John…do u want a copy of my time slips? I will gladly show u em or run u,u live close,i know of a spot around here…:nuts: