i’ll give him thirteen and a half lengths.
do we need pittspeed spelling Bee?? and writing comppetition?
no man comes on national interwebs asking for 13 lengths!
Starboy my store bought friend just reminded me of something
I ran a 13.335@104.47 this year! on 10psi on my T25! woot! I sure do hope my new setup on 15psi can do a tad bit better then that!
i’m not saying we all need to be eloquent and grammatically correct; i’m just saying that a little punctuation and a third-grader’s grasp of semiotics make shit a lot fucking easier for all of us.
bought me for? you mean what i charged you tonight or last week?
blanyer, i am not sure what youre talking about, i think everyone on pittspeed rights at least at a college leval i have no problem when people right in runon sentences quit being sucha petty ducsh fuck, love whitey…
if you guys race anyone want to put money on it?
He’s been driving it this week, Genna saw him earlier and he called me from inside the car last week or maybe 2 weeks ago I can’t remember. and he texted me said next week its on
welll then… the plot thicken! chicko is a bitch!
His exact texts:
“Haha, sure so when we lining them up?”
“I’ll bring the diaper so when the 4g gernades itself it won’t puke oil all over the place”
“Gonna pass tonight, next week is a different sotry, and the ET streets dont’ like wet ground”
Sounds to me like it’s running…
oh snap! lucy got some splaining to do!
I will be the king of all flash light drags this year… no lie I will take out both girls whitey and laura.
Thats what you think! There is something I should let you in on dan. This past winter I made a block buster deal with cheeks. I will buy all his wing nights if he sits in the back of the 240 during racings at FLD. With his added weight, I should have traction all the time!
so you are saying you have cheeks in your rear end ? :kekegay:
sounds kinky!
I’ll take pics
where is fatty while this is going on… oh wait forgot mcdonalds is open 24/7!! oh its so great weighing less than him!