cheeks calling me now :kekegay:
i consider Highway , park way so i guess i was mistaken
in the middle of winter?
why would you take a high horsepower rwd car that already has traction issues out in the middle of winter… thats just silly especially against a awd car… et’s/street tires whatever the roads are still really shitty.
apparently when you drive a gm you can race in anything i dunno.
ya well i heard there is a chance that there is more than 1 highway it the pittsburgh area…and that in west pa, there is more than 2 highways :eek3:
he wanted to race me in december, or late november b4 the motor blew
just more exscuses when losing to a 4cl import!
you said and i quote “cheeks car hooks like none other on the street, u wont stand a chance against him”
serious? i never knew that at all!!!
here comes skinny with his 4cl vs v8 bullshit…whats fast is fast, who cares what it has
^^ YES… I did say that but, this is also in july on ET’s!
then why are you looking down at 240 owners int his thread?
so in addition to your private parts your also putting words in cheeks mouth.
soo u do admit that u said it does hook well, and ur sayin it again
are you fucking stupid??? i never siad cheeks said that you dumb faggoty fuck, i said burnyD said that stupid ass
im not, im sayin cheeks bitched out
hahahahahaha funny you should be talking about exscuses…
im sorry…werent you the one with all exsuses when you lost to me???
this is comming from the same person who just said this…
and this is a real im…
(04:14:36) Schmidt0285: just cause its a winter month
(04:14:40) Schmidt0285: doesnt mean its always cold out
In PA it gets cold its not like its meeheeeccoo!
wtf does that have to do with anything diet pill poping closet homo?
you will be the one losign this year whora!