word on the street is...

ran into your car why? because the roads were slick?

did i say he’d lose? ur obessed, i mean obsessed with it going to win, he talks all this shit about racin all the time and shit…soo he got called out, and bitched out, its funny

no, b/c as he stated, i didnt realize u were stopped. lets go back to that party, it was dry out, no snow on the roads, a clear nite…ur point sitll isnt workin :down:

i’m calling you out right now justin. let’s go.

my 6.0 vs the VW…name a place and ill be there, shit ill be at St. Vinnys tonite!!! lets goo!!!


yet 2 people wreaked that night on apparently clear dry roads in the middle of winter.

yeah, wasn’t traffic stopped due to chads wreck up ahaead?

no my truck. car probably won’t make it out of the driveway with the snow now.

chad was cut off and slammed on his breaks, hit the back of a ladys car i belive…correct me if im wrong…

then im stopped in his trafffic, and old man not payin attetion hits the back of my car, the weather having nothing to do with the accident at all…stop tryin :down: accidents happen all the time on 279 due to traffic, no matter the weather

hahahah, ok, ill give u a call when im up that way

but your telling people to race on the parkway…? Where accidents happen all the time you say.


hmmm when did i say on the parkway??? please show me that post?? ill be waiting…:ugh2: u have nothign just give it a rest…cheeks bitched out accept that one of your presicous 240 owners backed out


these cars have a hard time hooking up at a track that’s been specifically prepped for cars to get traction.

There is no way I’d be out racing a light ass 500hp RWD car on cold, salt covered PA roads. Especially against an AWD car. It’s just stupid. He’s not a bitch for declining to race.

apperantly u never talk to cheeks, he says how he hooks soo amazingly on the street and nobody can get him on the street, nobody!!!

i really could care less who owns what all im saying is its fucking stupid to street race in the winter.

is this gonna be battle between thet lawnmowers?:smiley:

winter in the south isnt bad weather, winter here up until like middle of january wasnt bad, whats winter have to do with it? u mean in shitty weather?

OMG!!! dude, dawn get ur faster deck mower, ill get mine!! its on!!!