word sensors ?????????

Srs Section change will be done, I just sort of set it back on my priority list and unless somebody bugs me about it, I’ll forget.

As far as looseness, think of your favourite, most out rageous Tv show. They do just about whatever the hell they want and say whatever the hell they want but they won’t threaten each other or be racist.

We have two major simple rules here, and the two rules are fair so I’d say we are plenty loose.

Google speaks the truth:


Vov, have you guys considered installing a word censor to the site? Then everyone can type and say whatever the hell they want but any word listed in the censored file will only show as *****.

A lot of other forums use this, figured I’d ask.

we already had that

Free for all can commence I no longer care what you say in this or any other thread.

^ Thank God you mother ******* ****** ***** *** bag **** licking **** stained ******* ******* :thumbup

PS I would call about the harness but I dont have money to spend on that right now :frowning:

Family Guy, south park… They get away with it on national TV durring day time hours becasue they are smart about it and like you said it is the context that makes something offensive.

I got dinged last week for saying N-Rigging something… I got a PM, I said sorry, even stated that I would go edit it, but they already deleted it. I said thanks for the warning… see ya later. its as easy as that. no big fucking deal.

Now I use Ghetto-Rig or some shit. I dont know. it doesnt matter. Some of the shit that goes down in here is pushing alot of limits, not just verbal! I think it needs to be cleaned up a little but alot of the dumb ass comments are just that, childish and unneeded. Common sense will keep them out maybe.

Ohh fucking well… have fun everyone. I am going to cut my rant short here for once.

You might not have started it but you sure keep it going. Give it a rest already.

I was referring to the fact that they dont sell child porn there. I have never been there or any other pervert store.

Watch one of my favorite shows- Rescue Me on FX starring Denis Leary. Pretty racist and they say it all on the show without being edited. I think the only word they dont say is fuck. Shit, asshole, cunt, bitch and racist terms are all used freely and quite often.

You had your chance and you blew it. You sent me the PM crying about it, so I stopped. Soon thereafter, you were busting on me. Everyone knows that you go to Adult World, like fucking chicks in the ass, etc. Your stay on the forum will be much more enjoyable once you just admit it.

Youre just an asshole and I guess thats not going to change.

go touch some young boys

Treat others how you want to be treated. You asked me to stop, I did, and then you kept posting pictures of bent cocks and shit (from your private collection I am sure).



I just started fucking dying… one of my friends on facebook just became friends with a girl named Kathryn Habib, don’t believe me, look it up.

I only posted that shit after you refused to stop.
Anyway youre the one that posted your cock on a predominately male forum so you brought that on yourself.

Me on the other hand never said I liked kids, shopped at pervert stores or things of that nature.

OH my fucking god!!! I again remember y i stay away from this Fucking site. everyone foreget to change there tampoooons or what !!! U fucking people need to get ur heads out of ur fucking cracker , white devil azz’s !!! Good luck with the sensoring habib’s and shit . John I’ll always be ur fat slob!! U Cookmaunda cracker fucker!!

Fuck this can’t waite to stop by in another couple weeks to see that u banned the color white from beining used on the site too !!

Good luck fuck bags !!! ROFL !!!

^ Post of the week.

^ +rep

Hank hath spoken. Shut whiney bitch mouths!