Words of Caution....

This was my van after a 30MPH crash on 4/16/12. I was wearing a seat belt, no air bag deployment.

The accident caused me to have a fractured femur/hip and a cerebral hematoma (bleed in my brain).

I ended up getting a hip replacement, and was being watched for the bleed. A few weeks later, things took a turn for way worse.

Because of the accident, my body had started producing blood clots which filled my entire right lung, on top of that I MRSA pneumonia. When I got to the hospital, my parents were told I had a 10% chance of survival for the next 72 hours.

I was put into a medical induced coma, and was put on life support.

When I was finally taken out of the coma, the gravity of everything hit me, like who would have taken care of my son, what about my family, friends?

While I haven’t fully recovered yet from both my hip surgery and blood clots, day by day I’m getting better.

I just want everyone to be safe out there and think about what they’re doing. For the condition I ended up in, you wouldn’t believe a 30mph crash caused me to be fighting for my life, because of respiratory failure…

In the end, be safe and use good judgement… I don’t want anyone or anyone’s family to have to go through what I as well as family and friends did.

Fuck man. That’s awful. I’m glad to hear you’re doing alright.

Very glad you’re still with us and continuing to get better man.

On the bright side… That van was a POS.

Happy to see youre alright

You had a crash like that and no air bag deployment?? That was horrible…

I wish you a full and speedy recovery.

glad your getting better man.

Im sure, if you need anything from anyone of us in anyway. Dont hesitate. I wish you the best and get well soon man.

Wow sorry to hear this happened to you man, I wish you a quick recovery. Thanks for posting your story as well, I’m sure it’s not something you brag about but it’s big of you to put it out there as a story for awareness

thats crazy bud im happy your doing well.

Wheels u know I’m glad u ok , but can I stop giving u handies now ? U gotta be able to do you again ! Drew this wasn’t in schylerville was it ? If so my cousin dated that nutbag as well she is a junkie .


The kid had a troubled past and went through some bad shit, but he was on a good road to being clean and he was one of the funniest people I have ever met and would do anything for anyone.

Wheels! glad to see everything is all good buddy! I really do not want to visit you in the hospital again, I hate those places even if it was only a rehab center. You know if ya need anything Natalie and I have your back bro!

Thanks Mike! And thank you to everyone for the kind words and wishes for a speedy recovery.

Holy crap!

Glad to hear that your getting better.