Working at home

Anyone else do any work from home? I’ve started doing a day a week (depending on the type of work going on). Not having almost 2 hours of driving definitely helps out, and I can get an earlier start. Not to mention how much more efficient I can be (no people dropping in, less distractions, better monitor, etc.). It all helps out, especially with the 73 hour week last week.


I’ve been trying to convince them to let me do this. They won’t let me. I should find a place that would. It would be so much better. No random dropper-inners.

I have been allowed to in the past, about twice per month. I get stuff done so fast when I work at home.

I do this on occasion, usually if the weather is bad I send email to my staff letting them know they can reach me at home :slight_smile:

I do this quite frequently, just worked at home yesterday actually. I have an office setup at home that I just close the door and get shit done. It works out for me and my boss is cool with it.

Most of my work is remote work and it is definately easier to do at home, when the kids are asleep or at school. When the kids are there I don’t get anything done for work.

im probably gonna suggest doing that or getting a gascard, when my review comes up in july. i have a long commutte, and gas is starting to add up ridiculously

You need to at least two days/week…for what you do and how far you drive if they value you it shouldn’t be a problem. Figure you use about 3.5 gallons of gas everyday just to go to work(roundtrip)…@ $3.50/gal you are spending about $13 everyday just in gas.

Hell I only work 12 miles from home and I calculated it out to be $3/day in gas if my car gets a little better than 25 mpg… I’d love to be able to work from home.

i’ve worked from home a few days and it has worked out great every time. i can’t do it on a regular basis, but i’m allowed to WFH when i have appointment’s or whatever.

i work 4 jobs now and let me tell you gas is starting to go up and my gage is starting to drop … sometimes i work 3 jobs a day two are in greensburg one in irwin and one in smithton… traveling all around all day is such a waste but unfortunately only 2 jobs i can work at home sometimes… what sucks is when i work in greensburg in the morning irwin in the afternoon and greensburg again in the evening… i backtrack all the time…

Where in Smithton? :eek:

A large part of my work is from home, the rest is client visits. I’d say I go to my actual office once a month. Literally. I get car reimbursement/mileage pay and it’s still not worth driving to the office. But then again, I’m in CA, all the reps I manage sit in CT, and my clients are here. :shurg:


I work from home, just not my home. I filled the company van today. $87.00

Just accepted some new part time work. Remote support of clients in New York, New York, Philadelphia, and Ft. Lauderdale Florida. 15 or so hours a week at home.

i only work from home if i’m too lazy to go into work… i enjoy being onsite… if i’m going to be home, the last thing i want to do is work.

I work for the government and can’t because of the job. Money’s good so i can’t complain…