World of Wheels - Jan 19-21

i’ll be there, prob wont enter but i’ll be there for sure

whitey not leaving the altezzas on? There pretty.

Yeah jeff and I talked about it. We wanted you to have something new to look at for this season…

LMAO… BURN:bigok:



the 240 is getting closer to being ready for show!!!

the stars are starting to align…

Thats not bad $450 for a 10x10 space. Are you going to have a spot? I wish I would have know about this sooner. I am going to try and bring my 4 year old. Have him run around scratching cars! j/k


i am not putting in a booth this year… I am not sure if its worth it for me, since I really do not sell a product but provide a free service. Maybe next year if I can get some more cars down there from pittspeed.

I will be there on the 21st because I have to work every other day

I’ll be there on Sunday roaming around.

yeah me too I should be there with one of my friend

ill be there friday and saturday

Yeah I wish I could but I have to work both days

I’ll be there Sat walking around.