World's biggest airliner completes maiden voyage

East coast ftw^^

lol thank god for tax payer money or airbus would of been out of business a long time ago. the A380 went over 7 billion dollars already over it’s 12 billion dollar budget and 787 is going to crush it in term of sales.

Rumor has it, the A380’s first flight was off a giant conveyor runway. Just saying.


lol thank god for tax payer money or airbus would of been out of business a long time ago. the A380 went over 7 billion dollars already over it’s 12 billion dollar budget and 787 is going to crush it in term of sales.


Yeah, but it’s European tax dollars so who cares. They should get something for their $6 a gallon gas. :slight_smile:

^Problem is that according to WTO “rules” government subsidies are not aloud so Boeing has to compete with this(Airbus) which may be part of the reason they didn’t win the gigantic contract.
I have to compete with foreign companies everyday that get help from their government and it sucks bigtime.
I don’t know why the US ignores the fact that other countries “cheat” all the time.

^ You mean like the US did for Boeing?

[quote=“Onyx Z32,post:4,topic:37583"”]

The mile-high club is going to get many more members thanks to Airbus.





Yeah, but it’s European tax dollars so who cares. They should get something for their $6 a gallon gas. :slight_smile:


yea it is going to be very disappointing when the 787 stream rolls the A380 and the EU has to through more money into Airbus.


^ You mean like the US did for Boeing?


not exactly the same thing.


“uxurious suites, double beds and the quietest interior of any plane”

Now thats what I call flying :slight_smile:


my parents just bought 1st class tickets to asia… $15grand per head… theres a reason i fly coach…


^ You mean like the US did for Boeing?


And Chrysler, etc, etc.

If they threw a million or two my way, I would stop bitching.:smiley:

Yep, the exact thing I want is to be absolutely guaranteed to be in line with 500+ other people at customs every time I fly to a different country. Oooh! Hopefully 2 will land at once so that I can be in line with 1000+ other people fighting for bags.

Cool concept. Too bad very few airports in the world can take one of these things. It’s too big to fit. Maybe if they spit on it…

Fry was right:


Wow, I read about this on the news but hadn’t watched the video yet. Little more than just a light tap there.

Was anyone in the CRJ?

And here i was thinking that the media was blowing it out of proportion from a “light tap”

I guess if you were on the 380 you might call it a light tap. :lol:

lol the 380 passengers probably didnt even feel it

That’ll buff out.