Worlds largest engine!

Neg repping OP and Boxer(not really) becasue this thread makes me miss my late grandfather. :frowning: He worked most of his life at GE, built and ran lots of those tools or tools like them back in their hayday. The long list of cool stories he would tell is endless, bunt unfortunately the story tellers aren’t.

But yeah, if anyone gets a chance to work or even get a walk through at places like GE or giant machine places like that jump on it. The respect for things you will see go on and into stuff you take for granted every day will blow your mind.


there’s gotta be at least 2 olympic swimming pools of oil in that thing.

I dont think so. I see a RED and GREEN hose going to that head!

holy massive storage tanks!

The arsenal is badass.

Smith and wesson’s facility is awesome as well.

Here is the ship this engine is from.

Unloaded its prop is only partially under water.

wonder how many dead hookers it will fit

Yea! My shop buddy Bowman just started working there. Kids a hell of a machinist and prolly has a boner the moment he punches his time card from all the cool shit there.

Not Ryan Bowman by any chance?

Did he blow up your bathroom too?

Yeah actually. :rofl the one and only.


Lots of things blew up that night IRC. if we are talking the same thing.


Displacement hull FTW

oldschool tools are the best

I use to hang out with his older brother back in the day before his folks built a house out in Washington co. The last time I saw Ryan in person he was about 3-4 ft tall. Well thats enough to make you feel old.

i about shit in my pants from laughing. :rofl :rofl

Ask Ryan about when he use to mcguyver a pile of broken electronics to one of these things to make it work.

^ Love those things :lol

haha i built one of those with my dad when i was 12 , the one i had came with a electric motor that would spin lol

Oh man brining back some childhood memories