5.6 million ft/lbs of torque.

http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccsshb/12cyl/ hey, its JDM too so thats kinda neat!

ka what??? haha :axe:

haha thats awesome! I love how it only rotates at 102 rpm. That means the crank only rotates 1.7 times per second.

how the fuck would you dyno that?

I was wondering the same thing myself.

they probably built a dyno just for that…

It doesn’t seem like they are estimating though, they have it down to a pretty exact number.

It is probably just a calculated number. good old Physics.

But yea a KA can’t tow anything compared to this.

Lol the mother of all ka’s: KA25480DET :finga:

DETD (DE Turbo Deisel). :E

"inject oil into the inside of the piston which keeps the top of the piston from overheating. Some high-performance auto engines have a similar feature where an oil squirter nozzle squirts oil onto the bottom of the piston. "

Piston oil squirters, i always said the KADE was a high performance engine…Single slammers need not apply. :lol:


Thats awesome, but what the hell is it for?

boats. Big boats, boats the will bring your cars over.

I wonder if you could throw a rod in that… and what would it look like…

Anyone wanna hook nitrous to it? I was thinking, ohhhhhh a 39 Million Shot should make her break…

:lol: :lol: