Worst experience of my life

She was a closet slut, im good at reading people but I have never dealt with a skitzo before. She literally seemed like a down to earth, good girl. Made me wait until it was official to have sex, etc. Usually not slut girl actions. I was WAY wrong.

Still gotta wrap it, at least in the beginning. Lesson learned I suppose. Just get the tests and when they give you the OK, steal the bowl of rubbers on the way out.

Keep the bowl.


most signs/symptoms dont show till 3 months after contact…even the earliest for HIV testing. could be a stressful 90 days :confused:

Sucks because I just got tested a week ago and she is the first chick since then I have fucked. REALLY not looking forward to having that brush thing shoved down my peehole again…

Eh, there is only two you really have to worry about. Herps/AIDZ. Everything else is curable. Also, by the laws of the universe this situation couldn’t get much worse so im optimistic I am free and clear.


youl be ight

Scary duckface is scary.

No, you want to know what sucks? Fall
In love with the girl you hook up with at 16. Go through high school “in love” pass up a damn near free ride to American university so you can go to a local college to “be near her”. Get engaged, move in together and think everyting is perfect. Plan the wedding, invite family from all over the country. Then 4 months before the wedding find out she’s fucking the ****** at work who works the fucking call center desk at her work behind your back after you provided that bitch a DAMN comfortable life for years. THEN come talk to me. This story sounds like a great fucking week to me now. Sign me the fuck up. In the words of the great Jason Ellis- “harden the fuck up!”

oh wow.

Well, on the upside you found out she was two-timing before you tied the knot with her.

Not sure if il ever be able to get married. Trustworthy people are hard to come by in general, let alone a girl that you are attracted to and connect with.

I know I won’t ever trust a bitch again in my life. I’ve been through some SERIOUSLY jacked up shit in my life, but stuff like that will completely ruin your faith in humanity. FUCK / tourettes guy


Duckface attack!!


judging from this girls wall… shes been in about 15 relationships since the beginning of 2011. 99FRC… if your a good judge of character, you seriously let your guard down. Not saying I wouldn’t have rocked, I just would have accepted that she was a total skeezer.


I never went past the first page on her FB. But hey, i’m not going to lie that she had me believing she was a decent chick for a couple of days. And according to her FB she is already dating someone else…wowzers

Edit: it appears she has more than one facebook page…

You got it! lmao

Personal experience?