Worst movie you ever saw...

Sometimes I’m amazed that you’re not a pot head. That and ‘The Life Aquatic’ were both hilarious.

From Beyond
Made in the 80s or 90s. so horribly stereotypical
it has:
Mean, buff, rambo style black dude!
Hot mousey blonde chick that says stupid stuff and and nearly gets all the men killed
Nerd hero type guy
and big horrible drooling monster type thing!

I had high hopes for this one… Fighting scenes with NO MUSIC… WTF???

and by the way, whoever said people under the stairs sucked, FUCK YOU!

vanilla sky

I think i actually like “The Life Aquatic” even more. There is something incredible in the way it culminates.

The worst movie I ever saw in the theater was Van Hellsing. My wife and I wanted to walk out but we were friends so we stayed.

worst movie has to be blare witch project, seriously after 5 minutes of shaky camera bullshit I wanted to burn the theater down.

FYI Catwoman is on AMC at 8PM. barf.