Worst movie you ever saw...

Saw V, acting was A+


Batman and Robin

i just watched be kind, rewind. it was fucking horrible

cloverfield. great idea, FAILED execution…

Yeah, Lowtax from SA. It was all supposed to be a big joke when it happened, and he just got manhandled (apparently Boll was an amateur boxer at one point).

What makes it better though was that he was careful only to choose people that were a known quantity - pasty, weak little internet geeks. There was apparently an experienced, skilled boxer, bigger than Boll, who was trying to get in on it because he had been making fun of Boll loudly and for a long time, and Boll just kind of ignored him and pretended like he’d never seen anything about it.

There’s a pretty good write-up on it by Lowtax in the SA archives.

I was coming in here to post that one.

I didn’t waste the money on it in the theaters, but I did rent it. I figured, well how bad could it be? It has some nice cars in it.

Boy, was I wrong! The first 10 minutes were horrible, the next ten were even worse. When it hadn’t redeemed itself before the half hour mark, I turned it off and never went back.

Such a horrible movie.

Another one for me was Daredevil. One of the only movies (other than a chick flick) that I actually fell asleep in the theater for.

88 sec

The Cave. Holy fuck there was nothing good or reasonable about it. People under water with snorkels in there mouths talking clear as day, girl falling like 100ft only to randomly grab a piece of rock to catch herself. There was more but i was punching myself in the face threw out the movie to make it more enjoyable.


The royal tenenbaums is an incredible, incredible movie.

Holy shit it’s probably my top 5 fav movies ever.

holy hell yea i’ve watched that movie roughly 104.5 times… there is nothing terrible about that movie at all. wtf.

I absolutely LOVE this movie. It’s in my top 10 for sure…

just not my brand of humor I guess

you guys probably think Cheaper by the dozen is awesome too

RT is a character that reflects on the nature of human emotion.

Cheaper by the dozen is some Steve Martin romantic comedy garbage.

I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet, anything staring steven seagal

Clerks-Kevin Smith F’ING BLOWS!!! What an over rated fat POS

Does anyone remember A.I. from 7 or 8 years ago? I saw it in the theater

my guess is probably not. I remember going to see it thinking it was gonna be awesome.

yeah that was a huge let down. Thats another movie that could have been awesome, but it sucked.


I thought it was pretty good, not epic, but not the worst movie i ever saw.