Would anyone be intersted in helping me out??

Well i am getting royally fucked by the people that i ordered my trailer off of… and i kinda need a enclosed trailer to take my car to Texas for a National Supra meet.

Thing is, i dont know if im going to have my trailer by then… so would anyone be interested in letting me RENT their encolsed trailer off them. for almost a week. probably tuesday the 8th of March, then i could return it to you the monday after. I will take responsibilty, if anything goes wrong with the trailer while its in my possession, if of course there wasent anything wrong with it, to begin with!

Let me know if you know anyone that could help me out! thanks

Must be Enclosed and probably 18ft+

i can get u a great deal on one& have it befor than

Drive it

haha… they ahve alot of my money! so i cant back out now or i would

driving = not a clean rock chip free supra and gas pit stops every 2 hours. :frowning:

if i had one id let u use it!! man can i get some money off of ur money tree?? mine wont grow anymore :sad:

im just playin dont take it to heart!!!

get a bra or put plastic wrap on teh front end ! youll be good to go

ya plastic wrap the whole car!!!

it may be streatable but i c no point to pting 2000 miles on a race motor

where did you order it from??? I’d demad that they have it on time since you put so much down

Driving is totally out of the picture here… i dont want to take the chance of something going wrong in the middle of BFE, tires would be shot after i got there, gas would be nuts… and no boosting the whole way!

Yeah im talking to them now, so i hopefully will get something figured out.

good luck i say throw a fit and get it before world of wheels

haha i can handle the drive to there… i need this shit to go to texas!

Which one you getting and what you hauling it with??

i ordered a 24ft trailer… and i have my truck to pull it 04 Desiel Ram (600ft lb version)

blahh rams suck…get a Chevy!!! but still sweet!!! how long is ur car?? what else r u giong to haul in that trailer???

you have the Supra and an 04 Ram??? :eek2:

i know i posted that earlier and i think someone delted it!!! i was just say shit thats crazy!!!

yeah i have the ram too, i like it!

there is aluminum cabnets in there also, im going to have to have room for a 55 gallon drum of gas, for drag wheels and for other random shit.

sweet!!! sell the hunk of junk dodge and get a real truck!!! a GM!!! hahahaha jk…but ur tailer sounds :cool:

Pics of ram?