Hey guys i got 10 days till i have to leave… and i still need a trailer!
I will need it from tuesday the 8th to (depending on where i have to take it back…) monday or tuesday of the following week.
I will rent it for that period of time… for $1,000. as that is alittle more than what it would cost me to rent from a company 2 states away…
its a easy way to make a quick buck… and i will pay you up front. thanks
how big of a trailor do you need? my boss has a pretty big one that fits 4 or 6 motorcycles (i forget that #) and it sits in the company garage 99.9~ of the time with the motorcycle BESIDE it… I’ve never seen the inside so i don’t know if it is setup specifically for motorcycles or not. Let me know the width and length you need and I’ll ask him.