would smashhhhh ....

oh hai…

OH GOD DAMN. WASSUP SARAH!!! :gay:gay:gay


if she finds out I’m getting punched in the face/dick/both next time I see her.

Benny you should of came to ruffaro rild rings last night, she was there!

how many times do I have to say that i simply will not be seen in public with the likes of you

Fine be that way, pulling in the parking lot there I swear I saw you standing by a car and I was going to fake run you over, but when i got closer I wasn’t you at all. Had to swerve away and look like a dumbass :lol

:rofl :rofl :rofl

strong work skeeve

same, i was bout the flip the guy off :rofl

Ok klopman’s, hook me up! Will tune for sister :slight_smile:

wait , thats the klopmans sister ? damnnnnn im glad im goin there fri . will she be there ? ill behave if i have to

girl on the right has absurd tan lines

+1 :rofl


i would most certainly striketh those females with my penis.:excited

haha she might idk

Too bad my car’s running good though! :lol

As hilarious as Jon is, I’d love to meet the sister… haha

You pretty much have to be a hick for her to even talk to you…

I mean christ, she has her own freakin gun cabinet

Oh wow.

Tell her I said hello.

Im a good guy also, and have a diesel (hick enough?)!!!