Would You Eat This?? I Think I Would...


urgh… sounds gross.

but a bite wouldn’t hurt. :slight_smile:



45 grams of fat. holy crap. i cant feel my arteries clogging from just looking at it.

looks good

That sounds nasty…like I love Chicken Nuggets dipped in a frosty…but a Krispy Kreme burger? Ieww.

that looks, sounds, and probably tastes disgusting.
then again people eat whoppers every day and those are even WORSE for you than this concoction.

next up: cinnabon burger

Anyone who eats and likes a McGriddle would probably like this…

i heard about someine doing this a while ago

:yum: i’d try it

id try it. but 45g’s of fat is a lot.

I bet i could eat AT LEAST 5 of them in one sitting
are these for open sale because this will be my goal tonight

i’ll pass
