Would you have sex with the opposite race. Now pooblic.

Meaning black vs. white.

Was it better or worse than the same old routine?

This was a topic with another NYSpeeder about 2 months ago, and i forgot to poll it.

Be back in a flash with the poll.


Never banged, but hooked up with a few african princesses :tup:

I would though, just never got there

edit: banged an azn, so I assume my vote should go to “yes”?

what one are we posting in

I got a blow job from a black girl but I can not imagine having sex with them. I would be thinking about the HIV the whole time.

Asian girls on the other hand :slight_smile:



Would Rihanna count?

No sparkling wiggles here.

Not that I have a problem, per se, I just don’t find them attractive to my personal tastes. That, and it looks like roast beef.

Asian girls, def not. Having my roommate date one for over a year now, and knowing all of her friends, some of their habits, their voices, and their overall brattyness drives me fucking nuts. Maybe if I had a paper bag and a ball gag…


and its all pink in the middle to me

you would like to hear the girl cry during sex?

ABSOLUTELY NOT, but only because i am married. :wink:

I have not, but would have no problem. There has been several black girls that i thought “DAMN GURL, I’D HITZ THAT SHIZZLE FOR SHO!”

Only if she let me do some freaky shit like “school girl gets groped on subway and forced to suck cock while driving the train and getting the train run on her”

Would be fun too that it wouldnt be blurred out in her va jj.

What does asian vagina look like? Stupid asian censored porn.



That said, Shit yeah i have. Black Plague in Houston.

I have not.

If I was single I definitely would, assuming said black chick is hot.

Yeah she would have to be hot and I have not fund many I have been attracted to… Or wasted enough lawlz

boxxa never ceases to amaze with his thoughtful posts.

I’m with paulo. Would do any race, not any girl.
